
The Promotion by Andre Griffith

Looking at the title of the film “The Promotion”, one would never expect to watch what director “Andre Griffith” had to offer, instead he brilliantly had us involved in a charming development of a love story that would end in an unexpected twist of events and lead to a bewildering ending.

The script is well structured with clear and defined narrative; the flow of events leading up to the climax scene are very well knit together and relay the desired effect wanted by the director. The segmentation done in the film ( moving thru time ) is usually avoided in shorts, due to the fact that they might create a sense of fast forwarding events in an already piece of work considered petite but again the way “ Griffith” unfolded these segments shows a level of professionalism and understanding of film language.

Acting wise, the harmony between the two main actors ( Burton and Horne) can be felt from the very first scene together. This is a very important factor in giving credibility to any piece of work since it allows the viewer to directly get involved in the smallest details of the lives of the characters.

Technically, the mix between hand held and fixed camera frames created a dynamic, vibrant and natural mood in almost every scene. Editing wise, and although the events are reversed chronologically, it is clear that the director wanted his cuts simple and smooth so that they do not create a distraction from the main storyline. Lighting was a bit flat, a matter that could have been treated in post production with proper coloring hence making the picture more cinematic.

What was really expressive and a jaw dropper in the film, was the ending with the unexpected revealer that added intensity to an already powerful and meaningful piece of work. On the other hand the use of news footage from different Television channels was not a necessity since what is being dealt with and the manner by which the director conveyed it is by itself a very powerful and realistic realization of an issue that does not need any extra assistance in order for it to come out to the light.

Finally “The Promotion” portrays a harsh and not so pretty truth that needs no longer to exist, as we are all equally responsible and accountable for making sure that all live matter.

N.Khouri Ph.D

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