The Confined by Christopher Picone From its opening sequence director “Picone” succeeded in establishing the desired eerie and creepy mood foreshadowing what is to come in this horror piece of work; the aerial shots of the main location reminded us of the opening sequence of “The Shining” by the legend director “Stanley Kubrick” and the […]
Category: Reviews
Kissed Crowns Review
Kissed Crown by Guy Nicholls Being able to observe the growing film maturity which writer/director “ Guy Nicholls” is going through is a real enjoyment; having had the chance to review one of his former works “ An eye for an artisan” it is really obvious how he has quickly developed as both writer and […]
An eye for an artisan Review
An Eye for an Artisan by Guy Nicholls It isn’t everyday that we stumble upon a film that has us on our edge and is able to transport the viewers into the world of the story as it unravels like what “An Eye for an Artisan” did. The intricate approach made by writer/director“ Guy Nicholls” […]
The Invitation Review
The Invitation by Thorsten Schade “A breath of fresh air”, is exactly what describes this piece of work, be it the twist in the developing plot, the cast or the well crafted technical aspect, it is all a real enjoyment. Writer/Director “Thorsten Schade” clearly demonstrates the skills of an experienced and promising filmmaker; mastering the […]
The Inverted Woman Review
The Inverted Woman by Santi Planet From it’s title, the film has the viewers set for a unique film experience that would bedazzle their minds and have them overwhelmed with a mixture of infused emotions rarely caused by watching any film. The innovative idea of the film by itself is a real sensation and a […]
Overcome Review
Overcome by Thibault Marsaudon It is never easy working on such a delicate topic such as the mental health of a young teenager; so many things could go wrong during the process that many directors prefer not to tackle such issues, that is not the case with the director “Thibault Marsaudon” who did his homework […]
Pauper Review
Pauper by Neil Watson From it’s opening scene, the crafty use of music laid the grounds for an exciting and thrilling series of events that would prove that “Pauper” is a well crafted and canny piece of work. Early on the thrilling mood set by director “Watson” transports the viewers into each and every scene […]
Mechamorphosis Review
Mechamorphosis by Bowen Tan Named after a role playing game that allows players to take the roles of giant transforming robots, gives the viewers a heads up on what they are about to experience when watching “Mechamorphosis”. Early on, it is obvious that this is not your average everyday animation, but a serious and extremely […]
Here For You Review
Here for You by Angel Hepburn After viewing “Vino per ti”, it is easily said that it is a rare movie that succeeds on almost every level, where each scene, character, costume, art direction makes it a film worth watching over and over again. The movies’ introduction reminds us of the Alejandro González Iñárritu work […]
Blackbird Review
Blackbird by Mike Thompson From it’s opening scene “Blackbird” conveys the setting for a definite hook that would keep the viewer fully engulfed in the unfolding events of what seems to be a realistic sci-fi with a twist, director “Mike Thompson” succeeded in delivering a textbook sensation of a film, with all the elements needed […]